Tuesday, December 23, 2008

10 Reasons to Use Online Dating Sites

By Roy Barker

There are many more reasons than just ten that I would like to mention, but in this article I have focussed on the primary ten reasons why I believe on-line dating is here to stay. It is now understood that the industry has even further to grow as more and more service suppliers in this segment realize the many niches yet to be serviced and explored. If you are concerned about your time, privacy or safety, while using On-line Dating, then this is a 'must read'.
1.Most people are pretty busy these days. You can imagine how many times you would have to go out and socialize before finding the right partner. Then consider how much you end up spending week after week. You may meet the right person the first time you go out, but you and I know that this is highly unlikely. This procedure more often than not ends up in a lot of wasted time and a lot of wasted money too. However, dating sites(in general) cost nothing to register and or search.
2.Dating sites (the good ones) are in the main, free to join. Only costing you money when you have linked up with someone and intend on meeting with them or communicating further. This is a great feature because it means you will be aware of the basic geography, the hobbies, nuances, hobbies, and other interests before you meet. This is so much less time consuming than dating different people over and over before you find that 'right' person or even just the essential pieces of information.
3.From time to time you can also place advertisements on these sites which stimulates response and gives you a wider field to choose from.
4.You can remain anonymous (recommended) and protect your identity until you're ready and comfortable enough to disclose who you reallly are. If you decide the other person is not for you, you can easily and tactfully end communication without any animosity or even further contact.
5.Some people moving to a new location like to establish relationships and friend before they arrive at their new abode, allowing settling in to be that much easier. This is very often relevant to single parents. There are sites out there that are specific to single parents dating which make the job of meeting that much easier.
6.You may be having difficulty meeting people of the same faith or religion. In this case, there are niche dating sites that service this need in almost every major religion or faith.
7.Equally important is the need to service alternative dating requirements for those who seek pursuits outside the mainstream world of dating. There are many sites to choose from in this category to a point where choosing a good alternative dating service can become confusing and almost frustrating. Look for a Dating Site Review Service to assist you with this. Most of these service sites will have carried out some reviews in addition to weeding out the good from the not so good. If you don't find a particular site on a dating site review service it usually means the owners were uncomfortable with the site and will not include it in their pages or they haven't got around to reviewing it as yet - If the latter is the case, send them an email asking them to review that particular site. Most will follow through and you will find a review in as little as a few days in some cases. If it does not turn up on their pages, there could be something wrong with it.
8.Adult dating also falls into the above category due to its large following. Fortunately, the same solution applies. Just find a dating site review service that has done the 'hard yards' on your behalf and click away. The good review sites are free and will guide you to the better service suppliers.
9.On the subject of Dating Site Review Services, some of them supply newsletters which keep you informed and up to date on new services, promotions (ie.Romance Tours, Dating Events and Speed Dating etc.) and of course other exciting freebies. It is always worth subscribing because you can always unsubscribe if you want to. Just make sure they mention that in their 'sign up box'. Some independent sites have their own newsletters but common sense tells you that you are more likely to receive a more diverse range of information and promotions from the Dating Site Review Service than from just one independent dating site. This occurs because they will screen a whole swag of offers from a host of sites rather than just one before they onsend them to you.
10.Another cool free service from responsible dating sites and review services are the articles which frequently guide you in the right direction with dating trends and tips for successful dating and romance.
I hope this article has opened you eyes to just a few of the many benefits and features that can be obtained when using dating sites to help you.

Monday, December 22, 2008

10 Things To Do Before Buying A Novel

By Jill Brennan

OK, you don’t get much time to read novels anymore. You used to but that was another life. Before you could pick up something that appealed and because you read so much, you weren’t too disappointed if it didn’t grab you like you thought it would. Things have changed. Now when you pick up a novel to read it has to get you in quickly or it will collect dust on your bedside table. There are too many other things demanding your attention…like sleep!

And when you go to the bookshop sometimes its hard not to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of books on offer, especially with the big mega stores becoming the norm. So what to do?

I’ve put together a checklist that with a little bit of preparation can help you wade through
the sea of books and help you pick a surefire winner: a novel that will captivate YOU.

1. The best place to start is to look out in magazines, newspapers and online for book reviews – see what is being billed as the latest must read. Even if you don’t have time to read the whole review, jot down the title and author as one to look out for.

2. Ask friends for the best book they have read in the last few months or this year or the last few years if like you they really are struggling with the whole when-am-I-going-to-find-time-to-read-a-novel?-thing. Don’t just ask them what book was their favourite; ask them why they liked it. Was it an unusual story, was the pace so fast they needed a crash helmet, did it have edge of the seat suspense, did it remind them of growing up? You want to know what exactly made it a great read for them. This will help you to refine your search, especially if they say they liked the quirky twist in the ending and you don’t do quirky. Just because you’re close friends doesn’t automatically mean you like the same books.

3. Ask the people behind the counter at your favourite bookshop what they enjoyed reading and get them to take you to it or give you a specific reference number so you can find it easily yourself.

4. When you get the book in your hands look at the cover. Is it a catchy title? Does the cover appeal to you? Despite the old saying about not judging book covers, publishers put a lot of time and effort into creating a captivating cover and title. Does it work for you?

5. Turn it over and read the back. Does it still appeal? Do you only like reading modern books and this is set in the 1800s? It’s important to be fairly ruthless at this stage. If the premise for the story doesn’t leave you wanting more, chances are the writing probably won’t either.

6. Look at the size of the book. I know this isn’t something for the purists but if you don’t get time to read many novels, don’t launch back in with a 700 page tome or it will probably take you all year and then you’ll be frustrated and annoyed at wasting time and money on something you haven’t enjoyed.

7. The next step is crucial. Read the opening – does it get you in straight off? Novels have a bit more time to seduce you than a short story but not much these days. A good opening is like someone placing a thread around your finger and gently tugging on it. They’ve got you but can they keep you?

8. Has the author mentioned 10 characters and 5 different place names in the first 3 paragraphs? You want to be captivated not confused, remember? If your main reading time is before you drop off to sleep, books that have lots of characters and places or even a family tree at the beginning are a warning that it gets complicated and you need to keep track of who is who and what they’re up to.

9. Are there lots of long sentences or are they short and sharp? Lots of short sentences usually mean action and pace. Something. Is happening. Right now. Usually it’s best to go for a story with a combination of both – one that suits your preferred action/background information mix.

10. If you still think the book in your hands is worthy, randomly flip open the book in 5 places and see whether it is densely packed with text. Is there dialogue at each page you stop? No dialogue usually means that a book is more descriptive rather than direct scenes. If you want a compelling read then go for something with a fair amount of dialogue; if you don’t mind a slower pace then bits of dialogue here and there is probably enough to keep you going.

If it all stacks up, buy it and enjoy. Just one more tip though. If it doesn’t captivate you in the first 100 pages and you find reading it a chore, give it up. Don’t keep persisting just because you don’t like leaving things unfinished. The book won’t feel hurt if you don’t finish it. And the author will never know.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You Can’t Water a Garden With an Empty Bucket - Self-Care for Women

By Catherine A. Bruns

Women who are around me hear me say this all the time – ‘You can’t water a garden with an empty bucket’. What does this mean to you? I use it as an illustration to get the point across that women are taking care of work and everyone else and fitting themselves into the little, tiny cracks of time that are leftover – if there are any. So how lush and gorgeous is the garden that gets watered with an empty bucket? Not! How well can you take care of the important people and tasks in your life when your energy bucket is bone dry? Not well, at least not for long. When you are considering your own energy bucket it’s important to know what fills it up and what depletes it. Read on to learn the 5 questions to ask yourself so you know how to fill up your bucket.

1. What brings you joy? How much of what you do during your day brings you joy? How often do you purposely add joy to your life? For some, work is joy, but for most it’s far from it. Make a list of what it is that brings you joy – a child’s smile, dancing, coffee with friends, sex. Keep it handy, so if you get really overwhelmed you can have a quick reminder. Joy puts energy in our bucket.

2. What’s your natural energy level? For a woman who is more active in her energy, having a lot of quiet down time may actually deplete her bucket. If you think of it like a spectrum, with naturally low energy as a 1 and naturally high energy as a 10, where do you see yourself? Answer this question as you truly are not how you want to be.

3. What is your current pace? Now that you know your natural energy level, evaluate the pace of your current energy output. Use the same 1 to 10 scale. Are you a natural energy 4 going at the pace of a 9? Or are you a natural energy 9, going at the pace of a 4? Work on getting your pace oriented towards your natural level of energy. We talk a lot about women being way to busy in our world (which is true), but you can also get too bored. Neither extremes put energy in your bucket.

4. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Does being around people energize you or deplete you? If it energizes you then you essentially are an extrovert. Extroverts fill their bucket by being around people. Introverts generally recharge by being alone or with one other person. So, if you’re an introverted women who works with a lot of people all day, getting some serious alone time will help to fill your bucket.

5. How are you maintaining your machine? Not your car, your computer, or even your IPod – but, your body! Your body is a big part of your bucket and it needs proper care and feeding in order to do its best job. It’s amazing to me how many women I work with who don’t eat breakfast. And, who don’t drink water during the day because they don’t want to take the time to go to the bathroom. What about sleep? Getting enough? Probably not. These are the basics. You can get 100 pedicures to take care of yourself, but if you’re constantly dehydrated and your brain isn’t getting proper nutrition, then life is still going to seem hard. Make a true assessment of how you’re doing in the care and feeding of your body.

Everyone’s bucket is different, which is why I’m giving you questions to ask yourself rather than the top 5 ways to fill your bucket. However, if you’d like some more specifics or new ideas on how to get energy flowing into your bucket, then check in at my blog, The Balanced Living Journal http://www.balancedlivingjournal.blogspot.com, where I’ll be regularly posting some very specific bucket filling ideas. What’s a blog, you ask? Go back to the newsletter and read the ‘Soapbox’ section to find out.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How to Create a Balanced Life

By Catherine A. Bruns

So are you? Out of balance, I mean. Is work ruling your life? Do you want more time for fun, family and friends? Do you wonder what ever happened to that dream of yours? Maybe you’re doing pretty good at the balance routine, but aren’t quite satisfied with your life. Or, perhaps life is pretty dang good, but if you could have just a little more of this, or a little less of that, it would be ideal. If you’re interested in learning some pretty simple ways of how to create a balanced life today and bring yourself greater satisfaction and fulfillment, read on.

1. Be Self-ish
No – I’m not talking about your mother’s definition of self-ish. I’m talking about becoming the center of your Universe, not the center of the Universe. Still get an icky feeling in your stomach? Think about it this way. If you don’t take extraordinary care of yourself, you do not have as much to offer others. As I always say, you can’t water a garden with an empty bucket. Being Self-ish means different things to different people, but it always means taking extraordinary care of yourself. Think about how you fill your Self Bucket. Time alone, exercise, pedicures, girlfriend time, sex, creative outlets, splashing in puddles…or all of the above. How full is your Self Bucket? What do you need to do to fill it up a little more?

2. Plug the energy leaks
It doesn’t do any good to fill up your bucket if it has a hole, or a zillion holes. There are several categories of energy leaks: things we tolerate in our lives – the energy vampires; bad habits – the energy wasters; and worry – energy quicksand. It’s amazing how much of our mental and emotional (and sometimes physical) energy we give to these energy drainers. Likely you are not fully aware of your energy vampires, wasters and quicksand. Take a good look at your life: home, work, relationships, physical self, beliefs, financial, etc. and make a list of all your leaks. Then take each one and eliminate it as an energy drain.

3. Create & Maintain Great Boundaries
Boundaries are essentially a filter that allows or doesn’t allow certain people, behaviors or situations to enter your ‘space’. Some people think about them as invisible lines around us that define our space. Others think of them as the rules and laws we have as to how others can impact us. When your boundaries are intact and maintained you do not have to spend time and energy managing the behavior of others and how it impacts you. Is it OK for people to speak rudely to you or yell at you? Probably not. This is an example of a boundary. So when someone crosses this boundary and yells, what is your response? Are you holding your boundary or allowing it to be trampled. Remember, we teach others how to respond to us.

4. Put People before Results/Tasks
Are people or results more important in your life? Some might argue that results are more important. Consider however, that at the end of the day you generally can’t snuggle up with your results. When you put people first you make a commitment to strong relationships and become an attractive person. Think about who you want to be around at the end of the day – those who put people first, or results first?

5. Become Need-less
What happens when you have a need? Most often our needs influence what we do and how we feel in a big way. Needs have different levels, like a hierarchy. Survival needs are at the base and enlightenment needs are at the top. If you have a need in the survival category, then all the other aspects of living in balance go out the window until you get that need met. What needs are driving your life right now? Wealth, things, love, fame… Believe it or not, you really can take care of these needs for good. When you are not living from your needs, you become more able to live from your values and your wants.

6. Live Your Values
Speaking of values – what are yours? Mine are freedom, abundance, be joyful, and spirit. These are core elements around which I orient my life. Defining my values is what led me to begin to uncover how to balance my own life. Once I defined my values I realized that my life did not reflect them at all. How enlightening! I became very clear about what in my life needed to change, and it wasn’t going to be my values. Are you living your values?

7. Be in Integrity
Integrity is one of those words that we all seem to know what it means, yet have a very difficult time putting it into words. Here’s my best attempt – integrity is an overarching relationship that you have with what guides you in life to be moral, good and aligned with your path. Integrity means wholeness, so it encompasses a sense of you feeling whole. It unfortunately is easy to be out of integrity and perhaps not even know it. Sometimes we do things to meet a need that take us out of integrity. When you are out of integrity in an area of your life, that area or task feels hard. You may feel that you want to avoid it or run away from it. Check your integrity. Where are you out?

8. Create Reserves
Let’s take toilet paper for example. Horror upon horror, the time is now for toilet paper and you are out! None of us want to be in this situation. So do you buy one roll of toilet paper at a time? Perhaps. But maybe you buy enough toilet paper for 6 months. That’s a reserve (a super reserve in fact). When you have reserves of everything you need (toilet paper, money, time, energy, coffee, love, and on and on) then you do not have to spend your time or energy replenishing your supply. Think about having a reserve of time or energy. What richness could you add to your life if you had the time and energy to grab an unexpected opportunity when it came your way?

9. Develop an Outstanding Community
Human beings are not meant to be alone. Especially women. Relationships and community are how we thrive and shown scientifically to reduce our stress. Take a look at your communities – work, friends, family, hobbies, spiritual, service, etc. Do these communities add to your life or drain your energy? What you want are communities that strengthen you and build you up. If you don’t see the kinds of communities that you want in your life now, determine what (or who) you need to add or subtract to enrich this part of your life.

10. Live Your Dream
What is yours? Is it long forgotten or constantly on your mind? Your dream is there for a reason. Acknowledge it, speak it, and begin to find ways to make it so. Let go of the outcome (kinda hard to do, I know). Your dream may show up in a different package than you expected.

How’d you do? All set in these areas? If so, great, and I’d love to hear your story about how you achieved and maintain your balance. If not, I’d be happy to be your partner in balancing your life and shooting your life satisfaction and fulfillment through the roof!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Anger and the American Family: 3 Steps to Diffuse Family Anger by Changing Your Inner Conversations

By Dr. Tony Fiore

Case #1: Jeanette and Tom had been married 15 years. Wanting
to surprise him for his birthday, Jeanette, with her own money, bought Tom a big-screen LCD television.

Tom’s reaction? He instantly blew up and berated Jeanette for spending so much money—buying more television than they needed, a bigger model than they had previously looked at together.

Jeanette was dumbfounded at Tom’s reaction; she truly thought this would be a gift that would greatly please him.

Case #2: Jim was having a friendly beer with his brother-in-law Jack when the discussion turned to Jack’s success in life. Wanting to compliment him, Jim commented on how far he had come, how proud of himself he must be and how much he is an inspiration to others, given his background with alcoholic and dysfunctional parents.

Rather than seeing this as a compliment, however, Jack became offended and angry. He berated Jim for “putting him down," as he interpreted Jim’s comment.

Views cause anger

As these examples clearly show, people are not disturbed by things or events, but by their view of them, as Epictetusan—a Greek philosopher—observed early in the 2nd century.

When an upsetting family event occurs, you have a choice of how you are going to explain it to yourself—what you are going to tell yourself about it. This will influence how angry, stressed, or upset, you become over the event.

Learning to change what you tell yourself —your self-talk— can break the cycle of negativity that can often poison our minds when we get angry. We all have 'scripts' in our minds that tell us messages and stories about family members and how they behave.

Tom, who exploded when his loving wife bought him a new television, was telling himself things like: she has such poor judgment-buying a bigger TV than we need; there she goes again, spending money excessively; why can’t she ever do what I want her to do? Why did I marry such a woman?

Of course, none of these things made any sense to Tom once he cooled down and became his rational self again. But, at the moment of anger explosion, Tom’s self-statements seem 100% true to him.

Jack who became offended at being congratulated for overcoming his past, was actually having the following conversation in his head: he is putting me down because I had alcoholic parents; he is saying I am not capable of being successful on my own instead of 'overcoming' something in my past; he is mocking me because of how I grew up.

No wonder he became so upset at Jim’s innocent attempt at a compliment. Like many of us, Jack was responding to his perspective of what was being communicated—not Jim’s.

Changing your self-talk

The next time anger threatens to spoil a family event, try these simple steps:

Step 1: Retreat and think things over. Never respond immediately to a family anger or stress trigger. Give your body and your mind a chance to calm down so you can think rationally. Research shows this may take at least 20 minutes.

Step 2: Examine the evidence. The most convincing way of disputing negative self-talk toward a family member is to show yourself it is factually incorrect. Do not lie to yourself, but—like a detective —simply and honestly look at all the evidence at hand.

For instance, when calm Tom remembered that his wife was excellent with money and rarely overspent. Jack remembered that Jim never disparaged him and, in fact, had always supported him throughout the years of their friendship.

Step 3: Find a more positive and useful way of interpreting the behavior of family members. Tom was finally able to see his wife’s buying behavior as a sign of love and caring for him, rather than trying to hurt him or cause stress.

Jack was eventually capable of seeing that Jim was truly trying to compliment him and that he truly saw Jack as someone to be admired because of how far he had come in life.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

What Does Living in Balance Mean Anyway?

By Catherine A. Bruns

Balance. Hmmmm. Seesaws, tightrope walkers, the scales of justice, and, not long ago, Olympics gymnasts on the spooky balance beam. Imagine walking a balance beam -- perhaps you've done it sometime in your life. It's hard enough just to put one foot in front of the other and not fall off right away, but somehow these lithe female gymnasts have acquired such skills of balance that they can jump and flip and tumble and, most of the time, land with their feet squarely on the beam.

Luckily, most of us are not tested in front of millions of people as we tumble across a wooden beam only inches wide, but we certainly do have our own challenge of maintaining balance as we walk our path in life.

To me there is nothing more important than living in balance. This means that all parts of life-- work, family, spirit, play, chores, self-care, etc., are in harmony. to provide for our needs and support the way of living that is the best for each of us. In typical American culture most folks would say that work and chores dominate their lives, and for most people that would not be the choice of how they would choose to live. I hear so many people say, "There's just not enough time." The frustrated cry of an unbalanced life.

How do you know if your life is balanced? Take a few moments to complete a brief exercise and find out. http://www.coachbalance.com/exercise-life-in-balance.html and then come back.

When we live in balance we open up a whole room full of opportunities that were just not available to us before. Let's start with joy and happiness-- sounds good, right? How about health, better relationships, increased income and newfound interests. Maybe more friends, stronger connection with Spirit, a sense of well-being with yourself, and the ability to fulfill dreams. Who would not want to live life engaged in this fashion?

You probably can't be a gold medal gymnast and let's hope beyond hope that you never have to perform on a balance beam, but if you think there's a better way to live your life, you re probably right.
If you did the exercise above, take it one step further.

A. Decide which area of your life you want to have take up more or less of your time. Less time for chores, more time for self care, perhaps? For example: I want more time for myself.

B.Now, write down 3-10 solutions or actions.

1. Find a regular babysitter
2. Make it a rule to leave work by 5pm
3. Write "time for me" in my daily schedule
4. Agree with my partner specifically what time in the week is for me

You get the idea. When you make the list, make every attempt not to let your cynical little saboteur tell you, "That won't work".
You are the brilliant expert at your own life.

Now pick the ones from this list that pop out at you and put them into action. Then sit back and see what kinds of changes happen. Joy anyone?!

About the author:
Copyright 2004 Catherine A. Bruns. This article may be reprinted in full with the following attached: Life Coach Catherine Bruns coaches women to achieve great success in their personal and professional lives. For more information visit http://www.coachbalance.com

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Facts About Breast Implant Surgery

by Jenna Keys

From a very early age, women are subjected to ideals regarding the size and shape of their breasts. Modern media – glossy magazines and movies - tell us how big and what shape they should be. Many women consider and eventually have breast implants in order to conform to these opinions but while there are advantages to having this done there are still some concerns and many questions that need answering.

Not all cosmetic surgery is carried out on women who simply want bigger breasts. Many face psychological problems because the size or shape of each breast is different. Breast cancer sufferers consider breast-rebuilding treatment to try and get their lives back on track.

Gone are the days where the only surgical procedure available for women was breast enlargements. There are numerous surgical procedures for various areas of the body although the breasts remain a firm favourite for women. You can now have breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, breast implants, a breast lift and a breast reduction.

You should always consider every view and get the full facts before you consider any surgery, least of all cosmetic surgery.

For most forms of breast implants a small incision of approximately 1.5 inches is made in the fold under the breast, around the areola or in the underarm. For saline implants, a pocket is then created and the implant inserted. Once inserted the implant is then inflated with the saline solution.

More information about the surgery.

The procedure itself usually takes between an hour and two hours and dressing and bandaging is worn for the proceeding 24 to 48 hours. After this a support bra is worn for around 3 weeks although patients can normally be up and moving within 24 hours of the operation. It is advised that strenuous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for about a month after surgery.

You will suffer bruising and swelling around the breasts that should disappear with time, and also a firmness in the breasts that will disappear with time. You will more than likely feel a little discomfort for several days following the procedure; if this discomfort continues you should consult the clinic where you underwent the operation.

What are the possible side effects of breast implant surgery?

Current research shows no heightened risk of systemic disease or breast cancer in patients, however, as with all surgery there are risks attached. Unfavourable scarring may occur leaving nasty marks around the incision area or around the implant. Infection may occur as with any surgery. Bleeding, excessive firmness, rippling, deflation, asymmetry and a change in nipple sensation may also be encountered but breast augmentation has the highest satisfaction rate of any cosmetic surgery.

What implants are used?

Currently, in the United States, saline implants are used for breast augmentation; these are a silicone rubber shell filled with saline (salt water) during surgery. They are available in a wide choice of shapes and sizes. If a patient has significant problems and saline implants would not be the best solution then gel implants may also be used.

The advantage of saline implants that if you are one of the unlucky 1f people who’s implants deflate, the body absorbs the salt-water solution and the implant deflates at a rate that means the body can cope with the amount of salt water being absorbed.

How much will breast augmentation cost?

Obviously this will differ dependant on exactly what procedure you want, the incision type your require and where you have the procedure done. It is obviously not advised to plump for the cheapest option as this may lead to using an inefficient surgeon and complications with the procedure. As a very rough guide you can expect to pay between $4000 and $10000 for breast augmentation. There are probably cheaper and more expensive options available, but I wouldn’t advise either. The price you pay also takes into account the availability of plastic surgeons in that area and the qualifications and expertise of the potential surgeon.

If you are certain you want breast implants but feel that the price is a little too high for your budget, you will be pleased to hear that many surgeons will offer credit agreements to spread the cost over time.

You should always be very careful when picking a clinic or surgeon. Make sure they are professionally certified and be aware that this is a prime example of you get what you pay for; the price you pay is usually indicative of the qualifications, experience and expertise of your surgeon.

Do not be afraid to ask your surgeon for testimonials from satisfied clients; any professional worth his salt will be able to supply them and will be only to pleased to do so.

At the end of the day, you must have confidence in your surgeon. And the only way to achieve that, is to do your research.

©2005 Jenna Keys

About the author:
Jenna Keys is Editor of http://www.change-your-breasts.biz, an online resource for breast surgery information.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why Ladies Craze For Women’s Sandals?

By Diana Claire

Talking about sandals in front of women is absolutely a tempting topic for them. When women check some magazine and store where they saw some new design of sandals, surely they will talk about it and if possible would willing to purchase it.

Even when a woman looks at somebody’s beautiful sandals, there is no doubt that she would eager to buy them too. It seems that women cannot be separated with sandals, shoes, and other beauty accessories.

Of course not only women who can collect sandals. Men and kids are also able to do so, though they cannot choose a wider option compared to women. Yes, it is because manufacturers produce women’s items in a very extensive designs, colors, and materials.

What about you? Are you also fans of sandal, shoes and other footwear? If you are part of them, maybe you ought to know more on different type of sandals. Women’s sandals can be divided into so many types based on designs and models. You can name them: beach sandals, bridal, dress, flip flop, platform, sport, thong, and wedding. There are so many of them which you can find the information about it at MySandalsGuide.com!

Moreover, here are the designs you can find in one of the sandals types above. If you love dress sandals, you can get diverse styles such as: ankle strap, backless, flats, glass, heel, slingback, strappy, and woven. What a complete collection!

Well, well, well, you can imagine how many styles you’ll get if each type has its own styles. Of course every type or style has its own plus and minus points. It’s you who make review toward the sandals, whether they are comfortable or stylish enough to fulfill your desire.

Some of you are the big fans of designer brands. No matter how expensive the items are, you don’t really mind with it as long as you feel comfy and confident while wearing them. Well, looking for branded items at shoe stores could be tiring and time-consuming, right? The only way, namely, the most practical way, to hunt for so many brands is by using the Internet. Yes, find the perfect pair from all over the world just at your fingertips!

About the author:
Diana Claire lifelong for footwear led her became footwear reviewer. She has tried different kind of footwear, and she put her review at MyShoesGuide.com Her experiences on footwear can be helpful for those who need more information about a certain kind of footwear. Visit her Website http://www.mysandalsguide.com

How To Take Care Leather Handbags

By Rose Anne

Owning leather handbags with certain famous brands is a dream for almost every woman. Carrying leather handbag in different occasion is like promoting yourself that you have class in choosing things. You will be proud of yourself and feel confidence.

Wait a second! Will you also be confidence when carrying your branded leather handbags in dirty condition and not treated well? Do you know that if you own leather handbags, you must treat it properly? You going to have a long lasting handbags if you willing to do that. Well, at least you have one leather bags for your everyday life. .

Leather handbags can match with what ever you wear. What ever your outfit is, leather handbags help pull together almost any outfit. No wonder why you must own at least one leather handbags for an emergency. Because there is no other style of handbags that perfectly fits for so many different level of formality, except leather handbags.

Okay, having at least one leather handbag is important, so now it’s time for you to know how to treat and clean these leather handbags. But before going there, you must know that leather is a very difficult surface to clean. They stain easily although leather is tough and long lasting.

Well, here are some tips on how to treat and clean your leather handbags. Check it out!

- Using soft white damp cloth, wipe down your leather handbag softly

- Use leather cleaner after you wipe with clothe. If you feel satisfied then treat it with a conditioner to restore its luster and replace the leather’s natural oils.

- Always test leather cleaner to on an inconspicuous area of your leather hand bag before using.

- If the leather has become discolored, there are available leather sprays that can restore color to the handbag. Simply match the color as close as possible to the original.

- Don’t try cleaners, solvents and other usually normal cleaning solutions on leather. It is by nature a very porous material and often cannot be completely restored.

If you follow that tips you probably only need one leather handbag in life. Hmmm… hopefully you are not boring with only one handbag. If you do, and want more leather handbags, just check through the Internet.

About the author:
Rose Anne affectionate on bags, handbags, luggage, etc has made her into bags reviewer. Her experiences on bags can be helpful for those who need more information about a certain kind of bags. Visit her Website http://www.mybagsguide.comYou can also visit MyBootsGuide.com at http://www.myhandbagsguide.com

Tips for Hosting a Party

By Royane Real

Have you ever wanted to host a party, but felt too intimidated to start? This article will give you the courage to begin!

The first step is to decide what kind of party it will be. Will it be formal, or informal? Large or small? Indoors or out? Who will you invite? Will you serve food and liquor? Do you want to have a theme? Are you celebrating any special occasion?

These are just some of the decisions you need to make before you start issuing your invitations.

Once you have decided on these matters, pick a date, time, and location, and draw up a list of people you wish to invite. Depending on the custom in your social circle, you can issue formal written invitations, invite your guests by telephone, or ask them in person.
Whatever method you choose, it's a good idea to issue your party invitations at least two or three weeks in advance.

Party Checklist

One of the most important aspects of throwing a party is to make sure that all your guests understand exactly what kind of party it will be, and what is expected of them.

Here is a checklist to help you make sure your guests know what to expect:

-Is the party formal or informal?
-Is it a costume party?
-Does the party have a theme?
-Are you supplying food? Will you provide a full meal, or just snacks and appetizers? At what time will the food be served? Will it be a formal, sit down meal? Or buffet style?
-Are you supplying alcoholic beverages? Do you want people to bring their own beverages?
-Do you want the guests to bring anything, such as food, appetizers, party favors, or liquor?
-If you have any unique requests, make them very explicit. For example you may not want anyone to consume alcohol or smoke on the premises.
-Do you want people to bring their children, or leave them at home?
-Does the party start exactly at a certain time, or is the starting time approximate?
-Is attendance "come and go"?

A few days before the party, telephone everyone on your list to remind them again about your party, and to have them confirm whether or not they will be attending.

One of the easiest kinds of parties to host is a potluck party. In this type of party, you are not saddled with the overwhelming task of preparing all the food yourself. You simply ask each person or couple you invite to bring some food for all to share. You can be very organized in your requests, giving each person specific instructions as to what they should bring. Or you can simply let people bring anything they want, and hope that you don't end up with ten jellied salads.
To be sure that there will be a substantial main dish, prepare it yourself. You can also ask one or two people to bring dishes you think would be especially popular.

Even if you are a very good cook, and prefer to do all the food preparation yourself, you will probably still benefit by asking a friend to help you get everything ready. You may want to start all your preparations one or two days in advance.

Before the party starts, be sure that the house is reasonably clean and that you have enough chairs, plates, cups and glasses for everyone. Be sure to have enough containers available for trash. Pick out some music selections that your guests will enjoy.

You will have much more fun at your own party if you let go of the idea that everything has to be perfect. Parties are not about perfection, they are about fun. Things that go wrong may seem disastrous at the time, but they may seem very funny later.

Try to be at the door to greet each of your guests as they arrive, and thank them for coming. Let them know where to put their coats. Tell them when and where the food will be served and show them the location of the bathroom. Introduce any new arrivals to the people who are already present.

When you introduce people to each other, briefly mention some points of interest about each person so they have something to begin talking about. For example you can say, "Fred, this is Ron Stevens, who is my boss at the bank where I work. Ron, I'd like to introduce my neighbor, Fred Lahrmann. Fred has just completed building an ultra-light plane in his back yard."

If any of the people at your party seem to be especially shy, be sure to introduce them to others who will talk to them. If you notice someone who seems to be alone a lot throughout the evening, you can ask that person if they have been introduced to everyone at the party.

Sometimes people who are socially awkward will leap at the chance to help you with some party chores. You can ask them politely if they would be willing to take around a tray of appetizers to the guests, or help pick up empty glasses. Don't force these duties on them. Give people a choice.

Try to get to each guest several times throughout the evening, and don't play favorites, ignoring some, and monopolizing the time of others. If at all possible, try to speak to your guests as they are leaving and thank them for coming. Who knows, you may enjoy hosting a party so much that you will do it again and again!

About the author:
This article is by Royane Real and is taken from her new downloadable book titled "How You Can Have All the Friends You Want – Your Complete Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends" Check it out at http://www.royanereal.com

Who Should Relocate In A Long Distance Relationship?

By Maria Madeira

My Dear Lover,

Soon or later, you and your beloved will have to take the decision of who should move, because it is very hard to live apart.

Moving will change your life drastically, you should what you and beloved really wants from life, you need to communicate, communicate and communicate until you arrive to a very clear understanding about your expectations, It is your future.

Here are some questions to help you make the decision.

Will you have to "give up" of your domestic animals? Does your beloved love having cats, dogs, birds, etc. at home?

Any of you already have children? How well will they accept living together, now as a new family? There are good schools for them in the new place? They like the new place? How about their friends, they accept being apart from them? Can they keep their current activities, like sport, etc. in the new place?

Are you moving far away from your family? If you are a kind of person that is very close to your family, it will be very hard not. to be with them so often. Maybe your parents are "old" and need your assistance. You have the right to build your life, your happiness, your love, but I think it isn't fair to leave your parents alone most of the time, when they most need your help. And if you already have children, can they live far away from their actual family? They are willing to have a new family?

If you are divorced and your ex lives near to you, will he accept your new mate? After all he comes from "nowhere", and almost from one day to another, he is already living with you.Of course you can't let your ex be the main reason for you to live your life, where you want, and with who you want, but if your ex is a kind of person that don't accept that you have a new mate, you need to be prepared to deal with that.

Can you live in the new area, possibly, for the rest of your life? Do you like the weather? The culture? If you are an urban lover and will move to a rural area, can you live with that, or will you miss the urban live too much?If you are a kind of person that can adapt very easy to new environments, this is no problem at all, but if you are not, and decide to move, you will need all the help, understanding and support from your beloved, for the more "difficult" phases, be aware that he knows that. Do you really know the new area, or you have been there before, only for a couple of weeks in romantic holidays? Try to know better the new area, if you can spend more time there and not. only when both of you are in holidays, before you move forever.

God forgive me, but if things don't go well between you, and you decide to you should end your relation, after you move, will you come back to your old home, or will you live in the new area? Can you live there, without the support of your family and old friends? It will be a very difficult time for you.
Well, with all these questions, it might seem to you, that this is a very difficult decision to make.It is a big decision that will change your life forever, you need to be very clear about your expectations.

But my most important advice to you is to listen to your heart. True love is so precious and can overcome any difficult.

Don't measure the distance, measure the Love, Maria Madeira. http://www.distancelovinghelp.com

About the author:
Being in a long distance relationship since 2003, Maria Madeira share her advices, her experiences, her help, teaching how to survive a long distance love.

Join to "Long Distance Love Help" newsletter now. It's a heart to heart ezine that will help you in so many ways!

Doggie Diets - 4 Keys to Slimming Down From Tubby to Healthy

You've been told by your vet, and probably your friends that you dog needs to lose weight, and as your dog gets older with less activity they tend to gain even more weight. So, how can I get my companion pet to slim down? Here are the main reasons your pet may be overweight, and what to do about it!

1. How much food am I giving him?

Even if you've been feeding your dog an All Natural Dog Food, it may still be overweight. Overfeeding is perhaps the number one reason your companion pet is overweight! Most people overfeed their pets and give them too much food. First, you should measure and track how much food, and how often you are feeding your best friend. Be sure to count how many treats they are getting daily as well. Then read the suggested daily intake your dog should be getting based on its' weight from the bag of dog food, it's right there on the label. Now you have a starting point of how much they are eating and once you compare it to what they should be eating, perhaps all you have to do is just give them the correct amount of food.

2. What am I feeding my best friend?

This is the second most common problem causing obesity in dogs. Hopefully you are feeding "Tubby" an All Natural Dog Food, but somehow he manages to convince us to give him table scraps and lick the plates. Once he has trained you to do this, it will be hard to stop because he enjoys eating what you eat. He thinks the pack eats together and should eat the same food, at the same time. But most adult dogs should only eat two meals a day, not three meals like we do, so how much food is he eating again?

Table scraps do not provide a balanced diet for dogs, especially because our meals vary from day to day and from meal to meal. Also, their nutritional needs are different than ours. Dogs should be on a consistent diet because they only produce certain enzymes to digest what they normally eat. So when you introduce a new food to them, chances are that they may like it, but won't get the full nutritional value of it anyway. All Natural Dog Food provides all the essential nutrients that dogs need.

3. What kind of dog food am I buying?

We know that table scraps are not well suited for dogs because meat should be the main ingredient in their diet. Now go check the ingredient label of the dog food your using and see if meat is the first ingredient. If the dog food you are using does not have meat as the first ingredient, then find one that has meat as the first ingredient. Stick to one of the top ten All Natural Dog Foods like Eagle Pack or something similar. Avoid those with by-products and alot of grains. Getting their protein from grains will also mean that they are getting added calories from the grains, and some grains are difficult to fully digest and get an adequate supply of the available protein. You may think you are saving a few dollars by feeding your dog supermarket food, but the super premium blends are better for your pet. The All Natural Dog Food is more bio-available to your pet, i.e. the nutrients actually get into their blood stream. The inexpensive store bought food is loaded with fillers, and causes the dog to eat more as well. All Natural Dog Foods also recommend a smaller portion size, and you really get what you pay for.

4. What else can I do?

So, now you have changed how much food they get, what they are eating, and feeding an All Natural Dog Food, what else can you do? Well, the first option is to limit their food intake alittle more. You could also switch to a lower calorie blend of dog food. Dogs don't usually like low-cal foods, but they will eventually eat it and get used to it. In addition, you could insure that they only have 2 meals a day. Of course you can also limit the number of treats they get as well. The final step would be to insure your pet gets enough exercise. Walks are good for dogs and humans, so take him for a walk and increase the time or distance you go. Most dogs don't get enough exercise, so spend alittle more time with the special pet and soon they will be fit, trim and healthier.

We've given you 4 key ways to slim your dog down, and hopefully you will consider All Natural Dog Food, the very best for your best friend.

About the author:
Fred Ege provides All Natural and Holistic Dog and Cat Food, the very best for your best friend. For more information visit: